Comprehensive Sexual and Sexual and Reproductive Health services for Most at Risk Adolescent/Most at Risk Young People in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region
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Comprehensive Sexual and Sexual and Reproductive Health services for Most at Risk Adolescent/Most at Risk Young People in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region
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The International Children’s Center has been giving priority to the most vulnerable, particularly most at risk adolescents and young people (MARA and MARYP) and also persons living with HIV since 2011. ICC and UNFPA EECARO have been cooperating since 2011 on SRHR issues for adolescents and youth. As part of SRH systems strengthening, UNFPA EECARO supported development of a Training of Trainers (ToT) course on provision of comprehensive SRH services for MARA/MARYP. Since 2011, thirty six health care providers from Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan were provided with technical and practical knowledge on MARA & MARYP, and they returned to their countries to share this knowledge with many young people. The aim of these courses is to build the capacity of SRHR service providers, to increase MARYP access to “youth friendly” SRHR services, including HIV and STIs. The aim of these courses is to build the capacity of SRHR service providers, to increase MARYP access to “youth friendly” SRHR services, including HIV and STIs. During the trainings, valuable feedback was received on the way on how to improve the manual. Currently, the ToT Manual includes all materials of each session and detailed instructions for trainers, as well as all materials for trainees. The second step to the development of the ToT Manual was a development of a training package to be utilized during national roll out of the training course. In collaboration with UNFPA EECARO, ICC developed the training package, and the first national roll-out took place in Tajikistan with the assistance of UNFPA Tajikistan country office in 2013. It was designed to build the capacity of national institutions and professionals, including NGOs and state institutions. Feedback received during this pilot-testing was used by ICC for further improvements.
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